Event Report

"Advisory Board Meeting, Annual General Assembly, Invited Lecture, and Research Discussion" were held.

Date :
Friday, June 21, 2024
Venue :
Katsura Campus, Kyoto University

The Photonic Quantum Sensing Social Implementation Consortium, which was launched last September, has entered a new fiscal year. On Friday, June 21, the consortium held an advisory board meeting, annual general assembly, invited lecture, and research discussion with member companies aiming to build an ecosystem for collaborative research, mutual collaboration, and social implementation centered on photonic quantum technology, at the Katsura Lounge and the Research Commons of Katsura Library on Katsura Campus of Kyoto University.

At the advisory board meeting, following a greeting from Prof. Shigeki Takeuchi of the Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, who is the representative of the consortium, Secretary-General Tsuru explained the current status of the consortium, introduced the member companies, and presented the agenda for the annual general assembly. and the advisory board members provided valuable advice.

The annual general assembly was attended by approximately 30 people from member companies, and after greetings and self-introductions from each member company, Secretary-General Tsuru explained the 2023 activity report and financial report, as well as the 2024 activity plan and budget proposal, that were approved by all member companies.

In the following invited lecture, chaired by Prof. Shigeki Takeuchi, Prof. Takunori Taira, Group Director of the Laser-Driven Electron Acceleration Technology Group at the RIKEN SPring-8 Center and Project Professor of Division of Research Innovation and Collaboration at the Institute for Molecular Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences, gave the lecture entitled " Entanglement between Micro Solid-State Photonics with Photonic Quantum Technology". The lecture was co-hosted as the first e-Seminar of the 2024 academic year of the Graduate School of Advanced Photonic and Electronic Devices, and many students also participated and listened intently to Prof. Taira's lecture.

Afterwards, in Research Discussion session, the attendees of member companies and young researchers from the university had active discussion over the posters of the latest research results from the Takeuchi Laboratory, that brought industry and academia closer together toward the Consortium's goal of the social implementation of photonic quantum sensing technology.